Aww! It's My Mistake on Auto Deploy This Blog
When I change to Astro and using SSG strategy, I've mistaken on auto-build. My bad is not test automation website build. My friend tells me "Why do you not post a new blog last week?". I was confused because the post already on repository. After that, I check on website & find out. My automation is not working :')
How SSG Working?
SSG is Static Site Generation. It's a technique that generates HTML pages during the building process and serves as static files to clients. This can improve website performance, reduce a server load, and is often used for a modern framework.
What's Different SSR vs SSG?
SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and SSG (Static Site Generation) are two different techniques. Each other has pro-cons. There are some differences between the two:
- Rendering: SSR renders web pages on the server and sends them, while SSG generates HTML pages during the building process and serves static files.
- Performance: SSR can improve page load times by reducing the amount of client-side rendering, but it requires a server to generate and send the content. SSG, can improve website performance by serving pre-built static pages, reducing server loads and improving page load times.
- Flexibility: SSR can be more flexible for dynamic content, while SSG is better suited for content that doesn't change frequently and can be pre-built.
- Implementation: SSR requires a server-side rendering engine, while SSG can be easily implemented using a modern framework.
Solution for Automation
I used Vercel for hosting this site and building automate from Github repository. My solution is creating a cron job to build site with a simple Lambda. The Lambda using Cloudwatch Event for trigger every-day. So, I'll get my site still up-to-date automatically :)